The Ganoderma Lucidum And Reishi Mushroom Blog

Providing Up-To-Date Information On Ganoderma Lucidum And The Reishi Mushroom.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Does Ganoderma Or The Reishi Mushroom Help Fight Cancer?


There are several medical professionals out there who would say yes!

After a little research here is some information we dug up on Ganoderma Lucidum or better known as the Reishi Mushroom on how it could help in the fight against Cancer.

Ganoderma is rich in polysaccharides and Germanium. This polyshaccharide has shown to have anti-tumor abilities. (More research and posts on this later)

Ganoderma and Reishi have also been used by many people to help reduce the side-effects of Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy.

Ganoderma can help with side-effects such as fatigue, hair loss and even infection.

Ganoderma and Reishi have shown to inhibit DNA synthesis of certain cancer cells, destroys the terminal enzyme activity of the tumor cells, promotes macrophages and regulates T and B lymphocytes, thus restraining the spread of cancer cells.

Ganoderma Boys!

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Interesting Ganoderma And Reishi Mushroom Fact

Did you know that Ganoderma has the ability of giving us a medical check-up and finding hidden diseases in the body?

It can then remove the toxins and enable the body to become the best doctor to treat a wide spectrum of diseases with the natural immune system.

Ganoderma’s basic functions are to cleanse the blood: remove toxins; boost the function of the kidney; protect the liver; strengthen the heart; and cleanse the colon.

It also acts as a relaxant with anti-cancer properties. Ganoderma has more than 200 active elements which can be divided into three categories with ratio of:

30% water-soluble elements
65% organic soluble elements
5% volatile elements.

The effects of Ganoderma on the body have to go through five (5) stages:

1. Scanning (1-30 days) - Ganoderma helps to detect hidden disease and toxins in the body and proceed to regulate the body functions. During the process, the body will show symptoms- known as 'ailment reflection". This reaction is not a side effect, but to help us identify the ailing area. This is the scanning effect of Ganoderma.

2. Cleansing-Detoxification (1-30 weeks) - Ganoderma is known as "King of toxin removers" for its power to remove excessive uric acid, lactic acid, excess cholesterol, fat deposits, dead tissue and toxins accumulated in the body. Toxins are discharged through the circulation system - (kidney and liver) by urination and stool, through perspiration, boils, rashes, phlegm and mucus.

3. Regulation (1-12 months) - During the restoring process, many reactions can be observed. Do not be alarmed, this is the sign of the body healing itself. If the reaction is too strong, reduce the dosage.

4. Building-Recovery (6-24 months) - Ganoderma will continue to repair the affected body parts, and strengthen the immune system to be more resistant to diseases. It also supplies the essential elements and vitamins for speedy recovery.

5. Rejuvenation (1-3 years) - The ultimate aim of consuming Ganoderma is to maintain the body functions at its optimum and restore youthfulness.

Stay Healthy!
The Ganoderma Boys

What Is Ganoderma Or The Reishi Mushrooom?

The Ganoderma, Reishi or Red Mushroom as it is sometimes called is a slow growing polypore mushroom of corky or woody texture. Ganoderma likes to grow in densely forested mountains primarily in the southwest in North America but can be found in the Amazon and is very widespread and most well known throughout Asia.

Ganoderma is typically found in subtropical climates. Generally found in deciduous forests on hardwoods like oak, maple, elm, willow, etc. Ganoderma and Reishi also frequently grows on dead tree stumps or dying trees.

Reishi picking is not uncommon where it is commonly found but because of the healthy benefits and a thriving market there are now many commercial Reishi and Ganoderma farmers throughout the world who provide a wide variety of Reishi and Ganoderma products.

Ganoderma and Reishi is most often used in the form of a drink such as Tea or Coffee. But can also be taken via powders and pills.

To Your Health
The Ganoderma Boys

Welcome To The Ganoderma Lucidum And Reishi Mushroom Blog

Hello and Welcome,

Although you may have never heard of the Ganoderma or Reishi mushroom, it's been used by the people of Asia for thousands of years to stay healthy and aid in mainting a healthy long life and thousands of other uses which we will mention on future posts.

Right now, the Ganoderma or Reishi mushroom is not well known in North America, however interest is quickly growing with the latest boom in the health and wellness sector. People such as yourself are starting to care a little more about their health and realize that prevention is better than cure.

Because of this trend Ganoderma and the benefits of its use have started to quickly capture the westerners attention.

The Ganoderma Lucidum And Reishi Mushroom Blog is for people to learn about Ganoderma and Reishi as well as to provide up-to-date information on the latest studies, research and any really cool Ganoderma or Reishi related health products we may find.

There is a ton of information about the Internet on Ganoderma and Reishi but it's scattered all over the place and we wanted to make your search much faster and easier.

Please use this Blog as the starting point for your personal Ganoderma research and news updates. We promise to post often and keep this resource very current.

We'd like to invite you to participate if you can. Please leave comments about the Ganoderma and Reishi mushroom blog.

Please share any experiences you have had with Ganoderma. If you have stories about Ganoderma, please share them with us and our readers.

If you're growing Ganoderma mushrooms, we'd like to hear your experience.

If you use the Reishi mushroom for health and wellness purposes, we'd like to hear your experiences with that as well.

Thanks For Reading!
The Ganoderma Boys.